It’s after midnight as usual, it’s been a really long day. Ever since I made up my mind to be in more circulation and leave my comfort zone, lagos for a while, I have experienced new things. The journey has been long and tedious, but somehow I feel a grace of God upon my life guiding and protecting me. All of a sudden, it started jumping out of the bible to me that even Jesus did not restrict himself to one town, but was all over the place moving from city to city doing good.
Even though Jesus was going about doing good, it would amaze you that his greatest opposition were not demons, but rather pharisees and saducees - the so called scholars and learned men who you would expect to know better. Everytime the wind of change looms around, the people most likely to be left behind are those who have tasted of an old fading glory or the people who have had a not so successful experience. They have done something close before, and their mind sets into a framework that will take too much to unfreeze. They end up missing out big time on what was prepared for them, and stones rise up in their stead. Let me crack a little bit of the code and take it home to you - those who have sown and not reap, are likely not to sow again and certainly not reap, even though the rain were better the next year. Those who failed in business before, are likely to be scared of the opportunity that was meant to bring them success. Those who took part in clubfreedom, are likely to look at Holidays and Cash with the same mindset and hence never benefit. Those go high on the employee ladder are likely to be too smart to ever resign and start business. People are regularly held back by their old glory successes, or by their previous failures.
If you are not ready to hear the truth, I advice that you leave this site now and not read this post. Today, I will bare it to you as it is. I hope you know already though, and have only been comforting yourself. The odds are stacked against our ever becoming someone significant at the ripe old age of 65. The statistics I got from the so called developed world shocks me, and I am afraid for the future of many in my generation. Where will you be at 65? Will you be dead, broke or wealthy? What are you doing to guarantee your confession?
Statistics show the following.
54% of the population will need some sort of Social Security / help from the Government.
24% will be dead.
16% will still need to work.
5% will be financially independent.
Only 1% will be truly wealthy / financially free. (Source NMFS)
What do these numbers mean? They mean that in a random sample of 100 people, anyone you pick is 24 times more likely to be dead than wealthy. It means that 16 out of every 100 people will still need to work to keep themselves. It means that 54 out of 100 people will be financially dependent, either on the government, their spouse or their kids. It means that 5 out of every 100 people will be financially independent, but not free. These financially independent people are termed to have annual incomes of over $35,000/annum. It also means that only 1 out of 100 will become financially free. Take a quick look around you and survey 100 people around you, think about it, at 65 where will they be?
A further research was done to ascertain what the makeup of the financially free was. This research revealed as well, that 74% of the people who make up that 1% are actually entrepreneurs, 10% were CEOs, 9% Professionals and about 7% others. This means that if you are not involved in business, the chances are extremely low that you will be among the top 1%.
With these realizations, what is your game plan? What are you involved in that has the capacity to position you to be wealthy? Let’s stop kidding ourselves, success is not easy, if 1% of the most entrepreneurial nation in the world become financially free at 65, we should expect a lot of work. I’m reading a book that has an apt definition of a moron, he defines a moron as someone who wakes up early in the morning, goes to work, comes back in the evenning, rests and goes back to work again in the morning. This person is probably not finding his job fulfilling, but he engages in the moronic mindset of going and coming either because he thinks there are no options or he/she needs to pay the bills.
Are you stuck on your 9-5pm? Or are you one of those intelligent consultants with sufficient reason to throw down a good workable idea? Are you hoping that one day your ship will dock? Are you taking a swing at your golf balls with your golf club and hoping the ball will land in the right place? Are you hoping that your life will change? Are you hoping that things will just happen to set you up for the greatness you desired? Wake up and smell the coffee, the odds are stacked against you and against us all. Nothing just happens, what happens are the things we make happen. If your future will be bright, you need to start building it today. Stop listening to naysayers whose most reliable source of data is an unknown missinformed friends. Stop living your life at par with someone that doesn’t have a plan? The best time to prepare is not when it’s urgent, it’s now, long before the world knows that the odds are not in their favour.
So at 65 where will you be? Can you show me how?
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